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Writer's pictureLiv Friberg

Packing that important bag

That magic bag – standing in the corner, just waiting to be picked up, swept over a daddy-shoulder and getting a central part of such an adventure, any Vuitton or Versace would be proud to witness. If the contents of such a bag could reflect, how important this specific trip is, the packing list would be infinite. But packing your hospital bag will be embassaringly simple if you follow a few pieces of advice:

1) Ask your midwife how long you and your partner usually will be at the hospital after the birth: the longer the stay, the more packing, of course.

2) Ask your midwife which services are provided:



-clothing for you and baby



(most hospitals will provide everything)

3) Talk to your partner about the hospital stay: does he want to be there all the time, or is it best he goes home to sleep?

4) Notice the practical possibilities for your partner:

- Getting something to eat

- Sleeping over

- Is partner-stay possible on all departments?

5) Visiting-hours or guidelines for family and friends.

6) Consider if you have any special wishes for the birth, such as music, scented candles (notice: open fire is not allowed) etc.

The main principle in the Danish birthing wards and postnatal wards is, we supply everything necessary for mother and child, but not for dad.Many hospitals will provide you with food, clothing for mommy and baby, pads and diapers, and everything you need to take good care of your newborn. This makes the packing a bit lighter. However, it is a good idea to ask about your specific hospital, and it services!

When packing, I suggest to do so in two steps. First you want to pack the most clear-cut things, that you just can’t get by without, like toothbrush, health insurance card, camera. When that is all packed, you will have a free mind to imagine what else would fit neatly into the bag, and dream off to scenarios at the hospital, giving you inspiration for the second round of packing: your favorite piece of music, the baby sling that might tie you together with your baby when visiting the hospital café…

Here is my suggestion for a birthing bag( 1stand 2ndpacking all mixed together):

For birth:

- Vandrejournal and health insurance card (sundhedskort)

- Your preferred birth-music

- Rubber bands for your hair

- Crucial medicine, if you use any

- Snacks like fruit, crackers. Easily digestible snacks are often preferred during birth

- Phone/camera: and please remember the charger!

- If you have special wishes for snacks, like sugar free.

- Neck-pillow (like the ones for flight) for dad (resting positions for him are not always optimal)

Post natal ward, for mom:

- Toilet bag with toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, an unscented deodorant, if you wish (but remember, baby thinks you smell wonderful no matter what!)

- Towel

- You might want to consider a flushing device, since using toilet paper can be sore after birth, and you might prefer to flush after going to the toilet. Be creative on this point! (one suggestion is using an ear-flushing rubber device, that can easily be used on more vital body parts)

- Your favorite pair of pregnancy-trousers and sweater or top. Think about supporting your newly delivered body with your choice of clothes – a loose dress does not support all those organs getting back into place!

- A good, soft, nursing-friendly bra

- Extra warm socks or slippers- only for winter of course!

- Nursing pillow, to start the breast feeding under the best conditions

- Change for the vending machine

Post natal ward, for dad:

- Most of the same things as for mom

- Toilet bag

- Fresh clothes

- Phone/camera/video/headphones

- That neck pillow might come to use once again


- Depending on the services on your hospital, consider your own and your partners possibility of a good meal – snacks get boring after a day or so…

- When packing snacks – try to pack protein rich ones, which will keep you going for longer. (like vacuum packed sausages e.g.)

- Food: frozen alternatives, or cooled alternatives made at the beginning of labor.

- Inform yourself on food possibilities on the hospital: a warm meal can be just what you need.

Post natal ward, for baby:

- Clothes: most wards provide baby clothing during your stay, if you prefer your own cloths, then you might want to pack: body stockings with long sleeves and trousers or body stockings with short sleeves and overalls, socks (and hat?). Knitted or soft cotton.

- Burping cloth

- Baby’s favorite piece of music, if there is one

- Baby blanket

- Baby sling/baby carrier

- Car seat

When you packing is complete, you might be looking over to the bag again and again, putting something more in, taking something out. This is not nervousness, this is nesting.Embrace the feeling of waiting, anticipation, and of course the great feeling of being well prepared!

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