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Liv Friberg

The International Midwife in Copenhagen

Liv Friberg, the international midwife in Copenhagen.

Me and my children last summer, they are now aged 14, 7 and 1,5. 

My credentials:
  • I have been a midwife for 9 years (Professionshøjskolen Metropol, Copenhagen), specialized in family-creation and fertility, working with couples (of all types and genders) and single women to create their dream-family.

  • I hold a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Philosophy and Gender Studies (University of Copenhagen), and I have worked to help trafficked women through the Danish public support system.

  • I am a massage therapist (Massageskolen, Copenhagen).

  • I am a breast feeding counsellor, with cangaroo-mothering in special focus (Amningshjälpen, Sweden).

  • I speak fluent English, German, Swedish and Danish, plus conversational French. I have many years of experience in communicating professionally in all these languages.

  • I have given birth to three wonderful children, two of them at home and one at the hospital.

For me, there are no shortcuts

It would have been easy to choose a picture for this page where we were all looking in to the camera and smiling perfectly. But I chose this one instead, because to me it represents what is actually perfect about building a family. The moments of surprise, the moments where things don't go exactly as you have planned, and those moments where the love overwhelms you. Like a brother caring more about his baby sister being upset than having his picture taken on a beautifully sunny day last year. 


Being a single mother of three wonderful children, I have had a lot of personal experience of pregnancy and childbirth in Denmark. I had lived in Denmark for 1,5 years when I gave birth to my first child. While I was in the last phase of the birth, my midwife told me “gisp”! Unaware of the meaning of this word, I tried to please her, moving around, pushing more, doing whatever I could think of. But the more I tried, the more the midwife called out “gisp!” – later I learnt, it means “pant”! Ups… The importance of thorough and trusting communication during the process of pregnancy and birth is paramount when a family is being formed, and I am devoted to giving all women and couples the experience they wish for.


To me, creating a baby is a miracle! The physical and emotional changes are powerful, and they demand a great deal of letting go of control, preparing and searching information, selecting and making choices. At every birth, not only the baby is born, but its parents transition into parenthood. In this process, I see myself as your go-to specialist, for advice and information, networking and development. You are fully in charge of your own process and choices surrounding your pregnancy – and I can provide you with the relevant information, for you to make the best choice for your family.


To me, there are no short-cuts. If I should have any hopes of giving you a positive experience, we need trust, lots of time, laughs and talks – about the important stuff and the unimportant. Because you really don’t know what will be important until afterwards. I offer you a professional companionship relating to your family creation, and as such, there are no universal rules: you are the expert in your own needs, and I am to follow these as well as I can.


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