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Post-Natal Care for Mother & Baby

Breast feeding counsellor and postnatal care by Liv Friberg, the international midwife in Copenhagen.

My breasts are so sore, 

I dread the next feed!

She just falls asleep and 

never gets to 

the eating part!

How do I know

if my baby is

getting enough nutrition?

Are my breasts

able to do it?

Making the most of every second

Post natal lactational support


Breastfeeding you infant can be the most fulfilling experience. A baby sleeping peacefully, while sucking for love, affection, security, food and calm. This while knowing that your baby is getting the best nutrition available, carefully customized specifically for him/her with just the right temperature, and without any kitchen efforts. Yes, there are many good reasons and warm experiences in choosing to breastfeed your child. But sometimes, getting there is a struggle.


Coming home from the hospital with your little lump of gold is intense. Intense happiness, intense anxiety, usually sleep deprived and exhausted. “The first day of the rest of your life” gets a whole new meaning. In this situation, you don’t want to leave your home for anything, and you need rest, peace and concentration, to start your new life. If your breastfeeding gives you problems or worries, you don’t want to have to go anywhere for help.


I offer short-notice home visits for advising you on breastfeeding. I will look at you and your baby, suggest tricks and help with hands on and/or hands off support. For some mother-baby couples, it takes just a little help on the way, for others you might want me to come a few times. But don’t despair! Even breastfeeding that started of rough can become a rewarding experience. And who knows – you might be that mom who confidently breastfeeds your toddler openly on the street!


Breastfeeding home visit is 1-1,5 hours depending on your baby’s mood

price: 800kr


Post natal mother groups

Networking can be difficult if your first language is not Danish, but is just as important, and even more, if you are far from your network. A mother group is an opportunity to share experiences, chit-chat with others in the same situation, and maybe make friendships for life!


Send me your name, address and due date (and the languages you speak), and I will contact you for participation in a mother group of 4-6 mothers.


When I have assembled a mothers group I will contact everybody in the group for time and date for the first meeting, where I will start out with a lecture of a relevant topic for your group- after this I will leave the group to make further arrangements.


Price: free sign up, 300 kr for first meeting

"I couldn't have done it without Liv. All breast feeding women should get this kind of support...thank you Liv for helping me give my child the best start in life."



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