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One Day Birth Workshops

In-Depth Workshops Suitable at Any Point of Your Pregnancy

English birth class in Copenhagen Denmark DK with international midwife Liv Friberg

The Birth Workshop covers:

  • Physiology and stages of birth

  • Onset of labor

  • Managing early labor at home

  • When to go to hospital

  • Pain relief

  • Partner’s role

  • Monitoring and safety during birth

  • Complications, interventions and treatments

  • Breathing and relaxation during birth

  • Labour and delivery positions

  • Massage for late pregnancy and birth

  • Breastfeeding

  • The meaning of Cangaroo Mothering and how to wrap a baby sling.

Attend more than

1 workshop

and get a

50% discount

The Massage Workshop covers:​

  • Stretching of shoulder area, for pregnancy and breast feeding

  • Deep breathing in late pregnancy

  • Pelvic floor exercise

  • Exercise for edematic hands and feet

  • Resting positions for late pregnancy and birth

  • Pushing positions and the position of the pelvic

  • Massage, and simple acupressure points for pain relief

  • Breathing during birth

  • Breathing after birth

  • And much more…

English birth class in Copenhagen Denmark DK with international midwife Liv Friberg

"I gave birth without pain relief, because I felt like I didn't need it. That was thanks to the massage techniques that my husband had learnt from Liv."



Attend more than

1 workshop

and get a

50% discount

The Breast Feeding Workshop covers:​

  • Baby’s first signs of searching for the breast

  • Helping the baby to the breast or letting it find it on its own?

  • Positioning the baby correctly

  • Signs of correct sucking technique, taking care of those nipples!

  • Sore nipples

  • Comportable positions for breast feeding

  • Feeding schedules

  • Alternative methods of feeding, if breast feeding is a struggle

  • Skin-to-skin contact

  • How to wrap a baby sling

  • And much more…

Attend more than

1 workshop

and get a

50% discount

One Day Birth Workshops

Birth Preparation


The importance of preparing for birth cannot be overestimated. The better you are prepared, the higher chances you have of having just the birth you hope for.  Indeed, studies show, that birth outcome ( e.g. complications, duration), and birth experience both improve, if you attende prenatal birth preparation. So give yourself the best conditions for having our dream birth!


How YOU best prepare for birth, can be differ. This is why I offer birth preparation in many shapes and forms. My workshops offer an opportunity to really go in depth, and dive into the universe of birth, from many different angles. The workshops, are a practical option for the busy woman, who does not want to compromise on the high quality preparation, that every woman deserves!

My birth preparation workshop is in English and guides you through all the must-knows about giving birth. 


​This will give you all the information needed to make the birth comprehensible. But a birth should not just be UNDERSTOOD! It should be experiences, managed, and if possible – enjoyed! The workshop will be a combination of

  • Lectures, with possibilities to ask questions and discuss attitudes or earlier experiences

  •  Tasks for you and your partner, to let the information sink in, and come to life

  • Exercises and physical guidance ​


To make sure the information is relevant to your specific group, you will have the possibility to have wishes for the content. Please write special wishes for themes to me when signing up, and I will have focus on your questions during the day.​

I wouldn't dream of offering a pregnant lady a whole day of teaching without making sure she was fed! So don't worry about supplies - a delicious and nurturing lunch will be served during the day.


The workshop will present a great deal of new information to process. As an extra service, you will receive written information about the contents of the day, which you can take home and use for your further preparation for birth. This will free your hands, and hopefully also mind, during the intensive day - as notes are already written down for you. 


And remember! If you want to attend more than one of my workshops (for brushing up, or for alternative themes), you may reserve a regular-customer-space on the next workshop (if spaces are available) with a 50% discount!


Next workshops:

  • 26th September

  • 5th December







Massage and Physical Relief for
Pregnancy and Birth

Pregnancy and birth happens in the body, not in the head. And so, preparing your body is just as important as preparing your mind. The massage workshop is a type of birth preparation that will concentrate on the birthing body. You will learn about muscles you didn’t know you had, positions you didn’t know you could do, and remedies, you never thought would work! You will learn to use touch and pressure for relief in pregnancy, birth and your baby.


Please bring dads, co-mothers, nannies and grannies – or anybody, who will lend a helping hand, and wants to learn!


During the course, you will get an understanding of how your body changes during pregnancy, and how your muscles must adapt to the growing BabyBump. You will learn exercises for relief and stretching of the muscles, positions to rest in, and massaging techniques for the sore muscles. You will also learn about relaxation during birth, how you might help yourself and get help from others. Finally you will learn some soothing techniques for the newborn baby – for whom touch is a whole new sensation!


Although there will be verbal info, the offset will be a day of physical preparation, we will be on yoga mats, on balls, with rubber bands. We will rub and touch, and try all positions and possibilities, to make sure, you don’t have to invent the wheel, once the contractions get started.


​This workshop is well suited for you, who have attended my birth preparation workshop, and likewise everybody who wishes to do the physical preparation without the birth preparation workshop.​

Just as the birth preparation workshop, I wouldn't dream of offering a pregnant lady a whole day of teaching without making sure she was fed! So don't worry about supplies - a delicious and nurturing lunch will be served during the day.


And remember! If you want to attend more than one of my workshops (for brushing up, or for alternative themes), you may reserve a regular-customer-space on the next workshop (if spaces are available) with a 50% discount!


Next workshop:

  • 10th October








Breast feeding workshop: preparing for
after-birth, before birth


After using all that energy to prepare for birth – suddenly it is over, and you see your loved one in the eyes for the first time. And suddenly you are a parent! Although the most important part of parenting will be reading your child – a few easy tips and tricks might make a big difference during the first few days of getting to know each other.​


The breast feeding workshop aims to help you get the best and most stress free start on parenting, and although breast feeding is the main focus, we will also talk about related post natal issues like natural jaundice, normal bleeding after birth etc.​ This will also be a day of networking, sharing attitudes and experiences on babybliss!

To make sure the information is relevant to your specific group, you will have the possibility to have wishes for the content. Please write special wishes for themes to me when signing up, and I will have focus on your questions during the day.​


Just as  the other workshops, I wouldn't dream of offering a pregnant lady a whole day of teaching without making sure she was fed! So don't worry about supplies - a delicious and nurturing lunch will be served during the day.


And remember! If you want to attend more than one of my workshops (for brushing up, or for alternative themes), you may reserve a returning-customer-space on the next workshop ( if spaces are available) with a 50% discount!


Next workshop: 

  • 7th November







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